Dr. Danny Nguyen

Dr. Danny Nguyen

Danny is available full-time in Cranbourne Monday to Saturday

Dr Danny N (Chiropractor) is a keen, dedicated, enthusiastic and hard working member of the Wellbeing team.

Danny offers tremendous support for his fellow colleagues when they take leave or are away for other reasons. This means Danny has experience across multiple locations and with many different kinds of patients, and this gives him confidence to deliver patient centered care to patients of all sizes, ages and levels of flexibility.

Danny graduated from RMIT University with a double degree in Health science and Applied Science (Chiropractic), where he learnt in depth about the human body and mastered a variety of treatment techniques which he now uses on patients. During his chiropractic journey, Danny worked closely with the Northern Football League and the National Premier League as a sports chiropractor.

Danny has interests in functional biomechanics, neurology and rehabilitation.

Danny takes a functional approach with his treatments, incorporating chiropractic techniques soft as manual adjustments, activator and Sacral-Occiput (SOT) technique. Through chiropractic care, Dr Danny is able to provide quality health care that encourages his patients to improve their musculoskeletal health and wellbeing.

Danny is available in Melton Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Cranbourne Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 

Ask Our Chiropractor a Question ?


    The most obvious reason you may think to visit a chiropractor is for back or neck pain. However did you know many choose to attend chiropractors for a range of other reasons.

    Dizziness & Vertigo

    Our chiropractors see many patients with Dizziness & vertigo. Causative factors are sometimes upper neck alignment, tight jaw muscles/joint or BPPV; in which our chiropractors…

    Back Pain Management

    Disc injuries, bulges, alignment and pinched nerves along the vertebrae, we see all of it at our clinic. Our Chiropractors manage patients back pain through…

    Sciatica Treatment

    Our Chiropractors see patients with Sciatica from disc injuries, tight muscles and poor posture. We provide treatment using spinal decompression therapy, adjustments, soft tissue techniques…

    Chronic Pain Help

    Chronic pain in the form of stiffness and pain from arthritis, tendonitis or tendinopathy are all reasons people attend chiropractors for help. Management often consists…

    Injury management

    If you have an injury from sport, workplace incident or car accident our team have experience in managing a range of muscle, joint and skeletal…

    Advice To improve Posture

    “Hi Doc, I want help with my posture!” This is a common request from our patients. Our Chiropractors will assess your current posture & manage…

    Neck Pain Relief

    Your neck and back pain may be a result of restricted joints and muscle strain or tension. Chiropractors use techniques to unlock joints and release…

    Headache or Migraine Relief

    Depending on your type of headache and the underlying cause – tension, posture-related, cervico-genic, traditional migraine; our Chiropractors use manual therapies and advice to manage….

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